2011년 10월 16일 일요일

Blog Post #3 - Describe a Setting (Merida)

I've visited Merida in Mexico on Nov 2010. it is located yucatan state south east Mexico. Threre is surrounded Caribbean Sea and Gulf coast. I think there are most beautiful sea in the world. It's called "heart of yucatan" Merida is background for the movie 'Henequén' Korean say "eniggang(애니깽)“ story about labor migration forced by Japan in 1905. Actually. Henequén is kind of plant, main raw of tequila. If you are interested in this story search on web.
The city of Merida is the biggest city in Yucatan peninsula but there are various colored and row buildings with flat roof instead of large building.
All people has a bright smile at me, say hello to rare Asian guy.
The most striking thing is the city's Cathedral. There were also several colored cathedral church.
I was having tacos like main dish. When I ordered whatever they always brough me nacho like Kimchi order food in Korean restaurant.
First time, it was delicious later I got hurt my palate.
There is one of seven wonder in the world that the great Inca pyramid in Chichen-Itza.
Weather was very hot. It took 2 hour by bus from Merida. There is many people because famous place in the world.
Along the long road from the entrance to the pyramid seems very large. Unlike the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids built up with square bricks.
It was used primarily as a place dedicated to the gods sacrifices.
Including those outside the football stadium and the observatory, but these are difficult for you to explain all.

If you are wondering please let me know about it.

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