2011년 10월 19일 수요일

Blog Post #4 - A Short Personal Story (Accident in Mexico)

  I was struck by Mexican. It was last year on November when I was on trip in Guatemala and Mexico.
I was in San Cristobal one of city located south west Mexico. There is kind plateau area so it was very cold in night time and it was very hot in afternoon that's why I got a cold.
But what's the big deal? I enjoyed everything even I took a medicine.
It was totally exotic such as vivid colored low buildings and tacos, friendly Mexican. Everything was fine.
  But things are happened when I took a bus to Tulum where is south east Mexico.
I took a luxury bus because every was cheaper Korea. I already said there is plateau area and lot of small mountains. It means thief can hide themselves easily.
when I was sleeping in bus I heard something like stones hit window. I didn't realize our bus shot by gun. Suddenly our bus window was broken and stop at sideway.
Thief came into bus they started steal people's wallet. I sat last seat.
I thought if I was stolen my passport and wallet I will get serious trouble. So I hide my wallet. they got closed to me and say something in Spanish very quickly. I didn't understand what they said. I did'nt react anything then they knew I'm foreign guy. Suddenly they hit me. I scared I gave some money in my pocket.
They went back out of bus. I think they gave up communicate with me.

  Anyway I survived.
I wrote this on internet travel communicate. They said 'You are so luck that's you write this'
This dangerous adventure remain my head forever.

2011년 10월 16일 일요일

Blog Post #3 - Describe a Setting (Merida)

I've visited Merida in Mexico on Nov 2010. it is located yucatan state south east Mexico. Threre is surrounded Caribbean Sea and Gulf coast. I think there are most beautiful sea in the world. It's called "heart of yucatan" Merida is background for the movie 'Henequén' Korean say "eniggang(애니깽)“ story about labor migration forced by Japan in 1905. Actually. Henequén is kind of plant, main raw of tequila. If you are interested in this story search on web.
The city of Merida is the biggest city in Yucatan peninsula but there are various colored and row buildings with flat roof instead of large building.
All people has a bright smile at me, say hello to rare Asian guy.
The most striking thing is the city's Cathedral. There were also several colored cathedral church.
I was having tacos like main dish. When I ordered whatever they always brough me nacho like Kimchi order food in Korean restaurant.
First time, it was delicious later I got hurt my palate.
There is one of seven wonder in the world that the great Inca pyramid in Chichen-Itza.
Weather was very hot. It took 2 hour by bus from Merida. There is many people because famous place in the world.
Along the long road from the entrance to the pyramid seems very large. Unlike the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids built up with square bricks.
It was used primarily as a place dedicated to the gods sacrifices.
Including those outside the football stadium and the observatory, but these are difficult for you to explain all.

If you are wondering please let me know about it.

2011년 10월 4일 화요일

Blog Post #2 - An Admirable Individual (Steve Jobs)

I guess you have an iphone or ipod or both. These are most popular items in this century. who invent these? Steve Jobs former C.E.O of Apple Inc.
Now I'm gonna explain why I get admired from him.

First I adore his creative ability. I get impessed two times when I use eletronic things for whole my life. First is PSP. Second that is ipod touch invented by Apple Inc.
I remember the moment that when I opened the case of ipod and chaged and then touched the screen. It just was super awesome, amazing. I felt dizzy. What a incredible thing!!
He didn't dispoint me when he released ipod 2nd gen and iphone.
He thought electrostatic touch instead puching button which is very sensitive and quick. also he invented itune program that is very convenient.

Second. He has great sense of running business.
Before He became the chief of Apple. the company has hard time, profits was decreasing. but after he start to run business, profit is increased as inventing a lot of things such as ipod, iphone and macbook. also he run business pretty well.

Third. He is vegetarian.
I tried to be vegetarian once. It was not easy.
I think being vegetarian means you have to be patient through hard time too.
Also it means he has strong self control ability.

That is why I like him